Jul 7, 2013

How to make a cartoon storyboard 1

Hello! today i would like to speak about How to make a cartoon storyboard. I will separate it 2 parts that has theory part and process part. Okay! we should start the theory part.

The first we will know about the storyboard before speak about the step to do this.

- What is it?It is a draft of picture/text/multimedia in the paper. Draw it in a frame of series and add the detail what happen in the frame.
- What is the useful of this?It is a base of all such as cartoon/comics, animation, novel, etc. The storyboard makes you know the series of  story that you write. 

Okay! we approximately to know about the storyboard. Now we will go to learn How to make a cartoon storyboard? in the theory. Let's go

step 1 We will think the main idea of the story(the peak situation in the story). Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?. The first step we will  answer in all of wh- question.
example. Yesterday,som had wasting bought a lot of cartoon at the cartoon shop. Because she was heart broken so, she want to use wasting money.

step 2 While we get the main of story, we will add the detail of the story. Adding situation before and after the main idea and write the cause and result of main idea. And if it has the conversation, we will think of it. Write it in paragraph.

step 3 In second step, we will know all of our story. In this step, you will design the character in story. What it look like? How about his/her habit? What is his/her individual? and anything else.

step 4 We will start to make a cartoon storyboard. With draw a frame and draft a picture/text/effect by series the situation that is upon you. You maybe like to tell the story by tell the result before and answer the cause of the result after. This is step that use individual skill.

Yeh! Only 4 step you can make the storyboard. And after this step you can apply it to the other. Now the article 'How to make a cartoon storyboard' in theory is finish. I think this article is useful. Thank you for your attention. The next episode will coming as soon as. Today bye bye.

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